Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Peter Matthiessen, The Snow Leopard, with an Introduction by Pico Iyer New York: Penguin Books, 1978, 2008) (From the diary entry, dated November 13, 1973: If all else fails, GS will send Jang-but to Saldang to buy an old goat as leopard bait. I long to see the snow leopard, yet to glimpse it by camera flash, at night, crouched on a bait, is not to see it. If the snow leopard should manifest itself, then I am ready to see the snow leopard. If not, then somehow (and I don't understand this instinct, even now) I an not ready to perceive it, in the same way that I am not ready to resolve my koan; and in the not-seeing, I am content. I think I must be disappointed, having come so far, and yet I do not feel that way. I am disappointed, and also, I am not disappointed. That the snow leopard is, that it is here, that its frosty eyes watch us from the mountain--that is enough." Id. at 238.).