Friday, July 11, 2014


Agatha Christie, The Body in the Library, illustrated by Andrew Davidson (London: Folio Society, 2013).

Agatha Christie, The Complete Miss Marple Short Stories, Introduction by Stella Duffy, illustrated by Andrew Davidson (London: Folio Society, 2003) (From "The Tuesday Night Club": "'I mean'. said Miss Marple, puckering her brow a little as she counted the stitches in her knitting, 'that so many people seem to me not be be either bad of good but simply, you know, very silly.'" Id. at 1, 3.).

Agatha Christie, The Murder at the Vicar, introduced by Laura Thompson, illustrated by Andrew Davidson (London: Folio Society, 2013) ("The young people think the old people are fools, but the old people know the young people are fools." Id. at 221).

Agatha Christie, A Pocket Full of Rye, illustrated by Andrew Davidson (London: Folio Society, 2013) ("'Wherever there is a question of gain, one has to be very suspicious. The great thing to avoid is having in any way a trustful mind.'" "'Always think the worst, eh?' he asked" "'Oh yes' . . .  'I always believe the worst, What is sad is that one is usually justified in doing so.'" Id. at 166.).

Agatha Christie, Sleeping Murder (Miss Marple's Last Case), illustrated by Andrew Davidson (London: Folio Society, 2013).