Monday, December 8, 2014


From Eva Wong, Teachings of the Tao: Readings from the Taoist Spiritual Tradition, selected and translated by Eva Wong (Boston & London: Shambhala, 1997):

1.  Watch too long and the generative energy will be damaged.
2.  Listen too long and the spirit will be damaged.
3.  Lie down too long and the vital energy (ch'i) will be damaged.
4.  Sit too long and the meridians will be harmed.
5.  Stand too long and the bones will be damaged.
6.  Walk too long and the tendons will be damaged.
7.  Anger harms the liver.
8.  Scheming harms the spleen.
9.  Worrying harms the heart.
10. Excessive sadness harms the lungs.
12. Overeating harms the stomach.
12. Excessive fear harms the kidneys.
13. Too much laughter harms the abdomen.
14. Too much talking harms the spinal fluid.
15. Sleep too much and the saliva will be damaged.
16. Perspire too much and the yang energy will be harmed.
12. Cry too often and the blood will be harmed.
18. Too much sex will harm the marrow."

Id. at 132.