Friday, April 24, 2015


Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton: A Global History (New York: Knopf, 2014) ("The movement of capital, people, goods, and raw materials around the globe and the connections forged between distant areas of the world are at the very core of the grand transformation of capitalism and they are at the core of this book." "Such a thorough and rapid re-creation of the world was possible only because of the emergence of new ways of organizing production, trade, and consumption. Slavery, the expropriation of indigenous peoples, imperial expansion, armed trade, and the assertion of sovereignty over people and land by entrepreneurs were at it core. I call this system war capitalism." Id. at xv. "The book argue also that for most of capitalism's history the process of globalization and the needs of nation-states were not conflicting, as is often believed, but instead mutually reinforced one another.  If our allegedly new global age is truly a revolutionary departure from the past, the departure is not the degree of global connection but the fact that capitalists are for the first time able to emancipate themselves from particular nation-states, the very institutions that in the past enabled their rise." Id. at xxi.  Also, see generally Adam Hochschild, "Dyed in Blood," NYT Book Review, Sunday, 1/4/2015.).