Saturday, August 8, 2015


Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, & Jonathan Woetzel, No Ordinary Disruption: The Four Global Forces Breaking All the Trends (New York: PublicAffairs, 2015) ("We believe that the world is now roughly in the middle of a dramatic transition as a result of four fundamental disruptive trends. . . The first is the shifting locus of economic activity and dynamism--to emerging markets like China and to cities within these markets. The emerging markets are going through the simultaneous industrial and urban revolutions that began in the nineteenth century in the developed world. The balance of power of the world economy is shifting east and south at a speed never before witnessed. . . The second disruptive force is the acceleration in the scope, scale, and economic impact of technology. . . . The third force changing the world is demographics. Simply put, the human population is getting older. Fertility is falling, and the world's population is graying dramatically. . . The final disruptive force is the degree to which the world is much more connected through trade and through movements of capital, people and information . . ." Id. at 4-7.).