Thursday, October 22, 2015


Jacob Timerman, Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number, translated from the Spanish by Toby Talbot (New York: Knopf, 1981) ("Another of [Juan Domingo] Peron's statements in his infinite semantic creativity was 'Reality is the only truth.' This might be construed as an incitement to careful, meticulous scrutiny of data culled form reality in order to discover peaceful, moderate paths toward a political solution. In practice, however, it formed the basis for Peronist intolerance of any solution outside the ken of its own followers, schemes, or totalitarian rigidity, and the justification of utterly irrational acts in the economics, cultural, and political spheres. In fact, the only admissible reality was Peronism, since that was the majority, and the only truth was the Peronist way of life" Id. at 25. Might this remind one of at least two individuals in the field of candidates contesting for 2016 Republican nomination for president? And, No! Hillary is definitely not Evita.).