Sunday, July 3, 2016


Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jeremy McCarter, Hamilton The Revolution, Being the Complete Libretto of the Broadway Musical, with a True Account of Its Creation, and Concise Remarks on Hip-Hop, the Power of Stories, and the New America (New York: Grand Central Publishing/Melcher Media, 2015) ("It tells the stories of two revolutions. There's the American Revolution of the 18th century, which flares to life in Lin's Libretto. . . .  There's also the revolution of the show itself: a musical that changes the way that Broadway sounds, that alters who gets to tell the story of our founding that lets us glimpse the new, more diverse America rushing our way." Id. at 10. It is ironic, at least to me, that a truly revolutionary musical should be a hit in a political climate where the presumptive nominees from the two major parties are, on one side, a complacent pragmatist and, on the other, a reactionary demagogue. The most important revolutions are the resolutions of the mind; that is, revolutions in how we think. I fear Americans are not prepared for a revolution in their thinking. And Hamilton The Revolution, I fear, will slowly but surely become mere entertainment, appropriate for high school musicals, Peoria, Illinois, and Main Street. Get the CD, and listen to its content and message, carefully and critically.).