Sunday, February 12, 2012


Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Manual of Zen Buddhism (1935) (Charleston, South Carolina: Forgotten Books, 2007) (From Yoka Daishi's "Song of Enlightenment": "46. Since early years I have been eagerly after scholarly attainment, I have studied the sutras and sastras and commentaries, I have been given up to analysis of names and forms, and never known what fatigue meant; But diving into the ocean to count up its sands is surely an exhausting task and a vain one; The Buddha has never spared such, his scoldings are just to the point, For what is the use of reckoning the treasures that are not mine? All my past achievements have been efforts vainly and wrongly applied--I realize it fully now, I have been a vagrant monk for many years to no end whatever." Id. at 84, 95.).