Monday, December 10, 2012


Stephen Berg, Crow With No Mouth: Ikkyu, 15th Century Zen Master, versions by Stephen Bergwith a preface by Lucien Stryk (Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 1989) ("sexual love's attachment pain is deeper that I can know / wind soothes my thoughts this lust my ceaseless koan / impossibly happy" Id. at 20. "sin like a madman until you can't do anything else / no room for any more" Id. at 21. "no walls no roof no anything my house / doesn't get wet doesn't get blown down" Id. at 22. "only a kind deadly sincere man / can show you the way here in the other world" Id. at 27. "wife daughters friends this is for you satori / is mistake after mistake" Id. at 31. "I try to be a god man but all that comes of trying is I feel more guilty" Id. at 31. "sometimes all I am is dark emptiness / I can't hide in the sleeves of my own robes" Id. at 34. "it's logical: if you're not going anywhere / any road is the right one" Id. at 37. "something in us always wants to cry out / someone we love knows hears" Id. at 50. "don't hesitate get laid that's wisdom / sitting around chanting what crap" Id. at 54. "in war there's no time to teach or learn Zen carry a strong stick / bash your attackers" Id. at 60. "the wise know nothing at all /well maybe one song" Id. at 61. 'nobody understands my no Zen Zen / not even that crow's shattering bleak scream got it" Id. at 62.  "a beautiful woman's hot vagina's full of love / I've given up trying to put out the fire of my body" Id. at 62. "only one koan matters / you" Id. at 67. "anybody can enter Buddha's world / so few can step into the Devil's" Id. at 70. "those old koans meaningless just ways of faking virtue / this gorgeous young whore wears silk robes that hang open about an inch" Id. at 71. "no masters only you the masker is you / wonderful no?" Id. at 76.).