Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Thomas Cleary, The Wisdom of the Prophet: Sayings of Muhammad, translated from the Arabic by Thomas Cleary (Boston & London: Shambhala, 1994, 2001) ("Whoever goes out in search of knowledge is on the Path of God until returning." Id. at 1. "When a man is in debt, he lies when he speaks and break promises he has made." Id. at 3. "No one eats better food than that earned by the work of his own hands." Id. at 15. "One who takes back his gift is like a dog that eats up it own vomit." Id. at 25. "There is charity incumbent upon every bone of a human being on every day that the sun rises. To judge fairly between two people is charity. To help someone mount or load his pack animal is charity. A good word is charity. Every step on the way to prayer is charity. Removal of what is harmful from the road is charity." Id. at 26. "The Miser's Fate [] If someone is given wealth by God but does not pay the welfare tax, his wealth will be presented to him on the Day of Resurrection as a viper encircling him, striking him with two streams of poison. It will seize him by the jaws and will say, 'I am your wealth; I am your hoard.'" Id. at 37. "There are three signs of a hypocrite: he lies when he speaks, he breaks promises, and he is unfaithful to a trust." Id. at 38. "Let none of you wish for death because of any loss or harm that has befallen you. But if you cannot avoid doing so, then say, 'O God, keep me alive as long as life is better for me, and take me if death is better for me.'" Id. at 52. "Emancipate the captive, feed the hungry, visit the sick." Id. at 64. "Business Ethics [] May God be merciful toward someone who is generous in buying, in selling, and in demanding payment." Id. at 67. "We do not assign authority to one who asks for it, or to one who covets it." Id. at 75. "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the falsest of talk. And do not snoop, and do not pry, and do not be divisive, but be brothers." Id. at 76. "Power [] The powerful one is not the one who overthrows others, but the one who controls himself in anger." Id. at 93. "If any of you sees something reprehensible, let him amend it by his hand. And if that is not possible, then by his speech. And if that is not possible, then by his heart. And that is the least that faith requires." Id. at 110-111. "The Influence of Association [] A man inclines to the belief of his friends, so let each one of you watch out who he befriends." Id. at 120. "Be on the world as if you were a stranger, or a wayfarer." Id. at 125. "Virtue and Sin [] Virtue is goodness of character, and sin is what you devise in your self and hate for people to find out about it. Id. at 128. "Anything is beautified by inclusion of kindness, and marred by its lack." Id. at 130.).