Friday, November 11, 2016


Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion--Our Social Skin (Chicago & London: U. of Chicago Press, 1984) (From the book jacket: "In this lively and timely work, first published in German in 1980, Noelle-Neumann contends that public opinion is dominated by a 'spiral of silence.' Most people avoid expressing their beliefs openly unless assured of support among their hearers. Silence is more comfortable--but it may suggest, falsely, that a position has few adherents. Conversely, those who receive widespread support for their opinions tends to voice them more often, creating reinforcement which, in turn, portrays such opinions as stronger than they actually are and ultimately leads to a change in public opinion. Marshaling evidence from her own research, polls, and opinion questionnaires and from historical, philosophical, and political sources, Noelle-Neumann asserts that recognition of this effect is the best defense against manipulation by it." Perhaps not only food for thought, but a much needed reminder of what we must do to protect ourselves (and others) in the age of hyper social media, polling, talking-heads, and the dawning authoritarian age in American politics.).

Also, see Jacob Shamir & Michal Shamir, The Anatomy of Public Opinion (Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press, 2000).