Friday, April 6, 2012


John Donatich, The Variations: A Novel (New York: Henry Holt, 2012) ("The doing of a thing over and over until its power sneaks up on you and you realize it has changed you made you what you wanted to be. To be deliberate is to trick fate, to be original even if deviating just perceptibly from the origin, to be judged by what you've done; to practice until it is perfect." "You are only ever as good as you are. Practice ideal versions of the self; every variation against the ideal. Commit to an identity until it begins to restrict. Then commit to another. If you cannot live these selves simultaneously, live among them. The varieties do not fragment but overlap; the variations anticipate and made each other, lead into each other, They are contingent on each other. Respond. Love." Id. at 268.).