Saturday, September 29, 2012


I drift off, lose focus, and pay less attention, etc., when some thing is characterized as 'fun.' It is not the doing of a particular so-called "fun" thing that turns me away. For often I have done, and many times have enjoyed doing, that thing. And it is not that I am opposed to having fun. What it is, is that there is something in me that will not allow me to have fun in a public forum. I have so invested in a public persona of seriousness, that I shut down when an opportunity for fun presents itself there. Ah, one more challenge for me on the yoga mat: Getting out of my comfort zone and having a little public fun. Sigh! 

And, wouldn't you know it. My horoscope today (see below) is about having fun. The gods are watching (though apparently not 'watching over') me. I guess I need to lighten up. Yike!

September 28, 2012
An Exercise in Fun
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
A humorous outlook could put you in the mood for amusement today. You might feel inspired to spend quality time laughing and playing with friends, or you could feel a desire to improve your social life by meeting new people. If you allow this lighthearted mood to carry over into all of your activities, you can encourage a greater sense of meaning in even boring or mundane experiences. One good way to do this is by setting an intention to enjoy yourself as much as possible when you enter into a new setting today. Whether you are focusing on your work responsibilities, spending time with loved ones, or meeting new people, simply choose to make your activities fun and enjoyable, and watch your surroundings transform, as if by magic. 

Consciously focusing on fun and enjoyment can intensify our pleasant experiences, while minimizing the negative or difficult. We often express lighthearted humor only while we engage in fun activities, but we can also learn to use humor to enhance any experience. By doing so, we take greater control over our mood at any given moment. Not only can this ease the discomfort of unpleasant experiences, it can also help us to create more enjoyment in our daily lives. Simply by applying the creative power of our thoughts and emotions moment to moment, we are able to make every day an exercise in creating more joy, fun, and laughter. Your humorous outlook can transform any experience in which you choose to apply it today.