Sunday, September 30, 2012


This morning I have set a challenge for myself, or, if 'challenge' seems too competitive (even when the competitors are merely different aspects of myself), a theme, for my yoga practice beginning this Sunday morning. The challenge/theme is loving kindness.

In my blog posting of September 26, 2012, I wrote about my being annoyed/angered when people made a lot of noise as the start of yoga practice neared (e.g., to-ing and fro-ing, throwing down mats and props, talking) or in coming in late (with more noise, more to-ing and fro-ing, more throwing down mats and props, etc.). I am going to work on not being annoyed, not being angered, not opening my eyes to take note of who is arriving late, etc. I am going to try to be nonjudgmental. I am going to view with loving kindness those whose actions have triggered my annoyance and anger. This will not be easy for me, but it is something I need to try.

"Just improve yourself . . . that is all you can do to improve the world." Ludwig Wittgenstein