Marion Woodman, The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts) (Toronto: Inner City Books, 1990) ("This book focuses on evolving masculinity and femininity as two energies within each individual, both striving toward an inner harmony. So long as these energies are projected onto others, we rob ourselves of our own maturity and our own freedom. Until we take responsibility for these projections, genuine relationship is impossible because we are entangled in our own images instead of relating to new possibilities that expand our boundaries." "The anguish of broken relationships is increasingly forcing individuals to come to some understanding of what liberated masculinity and liberated femininity could be. How do we release them from the outworn mythologies in which they are entombed?" Id. at 9. "Freedom is not license, nor is it selfish egoism. To be psychological free is to be confident in our own inner world, responsible for our own strengths and weaknesses, consciously loving ourselves and, therefore, able to love others." Id. at 11.).