Sunday, March 4, 2012


Martin Evans, Algeria: France's Undeclared War (Oxford & New York: Oxford U. Press, 2012) ("This book is a chronological narrative of the Algerian War's origin, intensification, and consequences. It is structured around three analytical threads, the first of which is the long hatreds produced by the original French invasion in 1830." Id. at xi. "The second analytical thread is the emergence of modern Algerian nationalism from the 1920s onwards. Algerian nationalism was made of four strands: assimilationists, a religious clerical movement, communists, and radical nationalists, each of which looked beyond Algeria for inspiration." Id. at xii. "This brings us on to the third analytical thread: third-way reformism. . . . [which] sought to chart a third-way between hard-line settlers, opposed to any reform, and a nascent nationalist movement . . . communist controlled." Id. at xii-xiii.).