Thursday, March 15, 2012


Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, edited by Arnold Kotler (New York: Bantam Books, 1991) ("Western civilization places so much emphasis on the idea of hope that we sacrifice the present moment. Hope is for the future. It cannot help us discover joy, peace, or enlightenment in the present moment. Many religions are based on the notion of hope, and this teaching about refraining from hope may create a strong reaction. But the shock can bring about something important. I do not mean that you should not have hope, but that hope is not enough. Hope can create an obstacle for you, and if you dwell in the energy of hope, you will not bring yourself back entirely into the present moment. If your re-channel those energies into being aware of what is going on in the present moment, you will be able to make a breakthrough and discover joy and peace right in the present moment, inside yourself and all around you." Id. at 41-42.).